Global 'BIG DAY' in Uvalde : May 10, 2025

How many species can you find in a DAY ?!?!?!

  • Intermediate and Advanced Birders

  • Beginning Birders Welcome

  • Fast paced

  • Full Day

A ‘Big Day’ is a birding challenge of strategy and luck to maximize the number of species observed. It requires knowing where the birds are, the best hot spots to find them and logistics to maximize the days’ efforts. Yes, we can help you there! Alas, there is no fortune, just fame so feel free to make your own rules : i.e. daylight sightings only, birds within in a single county or whatever your heart desires. Find inspiration – and entertainment - in the 2011 Steve Martin movie, The Big Year.

Uvalde offers a unique habitat where the Brush Country meets the Hill Country meets the Trans-Pecos. Curved Bill Thrashers, Verdin, Cactus Wren and other desert species not found in the Hill Country. Add Great Kiskadees, Audubon’s Oriole and Green Jays and you know it’s going to be a great day!

This is the same Full Day Uvalde tour but at a faster pace with more locations to, from and within Uvalde.

Full Day tour


  • National Fish Hatchery, USFW (weekdays only)

  • Fort Inge (weekends only)

  • Uvalde Cemeteries

LUNCH : Unlimited options in town


A number of productive stops including -

  • Memorial Park

  • El Progreso library

  • Cook’s Slough

  • Garner Field and surrounding area

Make it a 'Big Weekend' and double the fun.

Pair this trip up with a Full Big Day at -

  • a Hill Country habitat like Lost Maples, Vanderpool

  • South Llano River State Park, Junction

  • Mitchell Lake, San Antonio, or if ducks and other water birds are your thing !

GLOBAL BIG DAY is MAY 10, 2025

That makes it the perfect time to test your skills in this fun challenge. 669 species were catalogued by almost 37k birders on 82k lists. Challenge yourself to see how many species you can grab in a day while making a great contribution to citizen science. Learn more here.

CELEBRATE WORLD MIGRATORY BIRD DAY - Global BIG DAY/WEEKEND Lodging and Birding Packages May 9-12, 2025 A collaboration between The Lodges at Lost Maples and Busy Birding Custom Tours.

Open to all skill levels, curate your own birding/lodging package. For more info contact The Lodges at Lost Maples (830) 966-5178, email or Busy Birding (830) 328-2662,