10/15 Lost Maples | 10/01 Uvalde | October Courts Garden

Please see other reports from each event


  • Walked from bird blind to 2nd pond and found all the usual suspects (ie. resident birds). Highlight was a stealthy House Wren.

  • Radar reports says millions of migrants are passing through but all but Nashville Warblers are being Masters of Stealth.

  • Not the huge influx it was weeks ago but American Snouts are the dominate butterfly species on the landscape .. and windshields.

Uvalde 10/01

This desert town never disappoints. The trip was an odonatologist's dream with more damselflies than you can 'shake a stick at' ... why would I do that?, we don't know. A huge number and variety of dragonflies as well. Found most of the local specialty birds. Great Kiskadees laughed at us all day as they played hide and seek. Sparrows, maybe even sandhills and other winter residents should be arriving by our Nov 5 trip.


The garden is currently an incredible explosion of color attracting butterflies of all sorts!

Monarchs are starting to show up a few at a time. White Peacocks and a Theona Checkerspot showed up at the end of Sept. There is an influx on American Snouts, Two-tailed Swallowtails and Western Giant Swallowtails. The usual cast of characters includes Queens, Pipevine Swallowtails, Tawny Emporers, Border Patches and assorted Blue and Sulphurs.

Right : White Peacock

Below : Monarch, Pipevine Swallowtail, Theona Checkerspot

Photos from end of Sept 2024