Love Creek CBC - 1/4/2025

30 species for our team including 2 bald eagles! Count total for all teams was 77 species.

Like the Boerne CBC, another warm but overcast day provided so-so photos. Still, the camera proved invaluable for IDs. Had a glimpse - too quick for a photo) at a raptor with white head and tail. White also on the wing tips would make it a more likely Crested Caracara but lack of them suggested a less common but not impossible bald eagle.

Not much later, got a good minute or 2 look at this guy in binocs and by camera. 2.5 year-old bald eagle as per screenshot from

Our team got 30 species, one of the highest for the day! We 'dipped' (missed in birder jargon) on a possible American Woodcock. Heard by 2 birders and Merlin app, seen and video'd by property owner a month ago, but not enough confidence and evidence to add to the report.

As with the 4 other counts, a great day of birding, camaraderie and discovery!

PHOTOS : Yellow-Rumped Warbler showing off his namesake butter-butt

Mountain Laurels usually bloom for a single week in March. This purple flower is surely an 'early bird'

Never seen such a density of Ashe Juniper berries. Much more enjoyable than the down draft of pollen that showered us all.

Maybe this Eastern Bluebird was hatched here and is coming home for the holidays. Or is he another 'early bird', cruising real estate options well before spring?