Garner State Park CBC - 12/28

59 species for the count circle (as of the latest tally). Before you go, know much of the park is closed until March 2025.

CHECK BEFORE YOU GO !!!!!!! Much of the park is closed until March 2025.

Nov. 1, 2024 - Construction to repair the scenic overlook section of Park Rd. 29 will begin in December 2024. From Dec. 1, 2024, through Feb. 28, 2025, the south side of Garner (Old Garner) will be closed.

CLOSED are most of the coolest parts of the park (our added opinion). Yes, we were able to do the Audubon Bird Count in the closed area but only because we were accompanied every step by a park ranger who were assisting with the census.)
Click on the ALERTS box at the top of or Contact the park for more information

The first CBC at Garner since 1948 !!!!!

We were honored to participate in the revival of this count after 75 years. Ran into may of the same souls from the previous weeks Uvalde participants but also found a great mom-daughter team that stumbled into our count. This is what Busy-Birding is all about. Was glad to welcome them into this exciting hobby? obsession? lifestyle?

Kudos to the park ranger who shared so many insights about Garner's wows and history and led our group on an 8-hour, 8 mile trek (ok...3 of those miles were by vehicle but we worked hard for our 39 species! An impressive total give n that the entire count total was 59! Count highlight = American Woodcock.

You know it's going to be a good day when you start with a quiet but patient Green Kingfisher.

The day also yielded -

  • The season's first flock of 20+ Cedar Waxwings

  • Vermillion Flycatcher who always lives up to his Spanish name (little burning ember)

  • A stoic Canyon Towhee

View this checklist online at

Overcast clouds - clear sky

Temperature: 63 - 75°F

Wind: Gentle breeze - strong breeze

Wind Direction: SW - W

Cloud Cover: 100%

Humidity: 19 - 93%

Gadwall 11

Mallard 1

Common Ground Dove 2

Great Blue Heron 3

Black Vulture 8

Green Kingfisher 1

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 1

Golden-fronted Woodpecker 6

Ladder-backed Woodpecker 2

American Kestrel 1

Eastern Phoebe 4

Vermilion Flycatcher 1

Hutton's Vireo 3

Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay 1

Common Raven 2

Carolina Chickadee 10

Black-crested Titmouse 11

Ruby-crowned Kinglet 7

Carolina Wren 4

Bewick's Wren 1

Northern Mockingbird 1

Eastern Bluebird 3

American Robin 1

Cedar Waxwing 20

House Sparrow 18

House Finch 21

American Goldfinch 1

Chipping Sparrow 1

Field Sparrow 1

Black-throated Sparrow 1

White-crowned Sparrow 1

Savannah Sparrow 2

Canyon Towhee 1

Spotted Towhee 1

Orange-crowned Warbler 1

Yellow-rumped Warbler 9

Northern Cardinal 10